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Inns of Mediation Dinners resume in October

The Inns of Mediation has a “good news-bad news” announcement.

The Good News – We are very excited about our 21-22 year and events calendar. We are looking forward to welcoming new mediators, recovering attorneys and judges from the adversarial process, people who are professional mediators, people who pa

rticipate in mediation either formally or informally as neutrals or as a party, students of mediation whether you are studying formally or if you are a student of human nature, and people who want to learn skills as a peacemaker, problem solver, listener, and sometimes referee or arbiter – basically we welcome everyone interested in the topic of mediation!

Our first in person dinner meeting will be on Monday, October 25, 2021 at Hoyt Sherman Place, Des Moines, IA with a cash bar opening at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6 p.m. Our evening’s program will be entitled “The Impact of Mediation” and focus on the people who benefit from using mediation to resolve disputes. Not just the mediators or the attorneys, but the clients and people who mediation serves by allowing these people to choose to participate and resolve their conflicts. It’s why we think mediation is a meaningful part of client advocacy. Dinners are included in your annual membership by clicking the link below, or you can purchase an individual dinner ticket. Membership also allows you to attend our other events, including CLEs, at no additional charge.

Unfortunately, the bad news… we had hoped to start our year with a dinner meeting in September. However, COVID-19 has thwarted our plan

s, and we have pushed our dinner back to October. In another good news/bad news twist, we are still looking at options including having a lunch & learn or webinar that will be scheduled before our first dinner. Keep an eye out for further announcements! If you have an idea for a program, or would like to volunteer on our Board, provide some content for social media, including a link to your own website, we would love to hear from you too. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Membership and tickets:


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